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Brigitte Gall

Previous Project | A Frosted Glass Bathroom Door Next Project

Brigitte loved the way the sun streaming through her bathroom window lit up her bedroom – unless the door was closed. A frosted glass insert in her bathroom door provided the necessary privacy while letting the sun shine through.

DO measure carefully before cutting into your door. You definitely want the hole you make to be the right size for your glass.

DON’T forget to use glazing putty to place the glass. This prevents moisture from getting between the frame and the glass and also keeps the glass from rattling.

Let the Sun Shine In

  1. Use a hammer and punch to remove the door from its hinges. (see figs. A & B)

    Fig. A Fig. B
  2. Place the door on two sawhorses and use a circular saw to cut out the centre portion, making the opening the right size for the frosted glass. (see fig. C)
  3. Cut and paint the trim pieces that will hold the glass in position. Use wood glue and nails to attach these to one side of the opening. (see figs. D & E)

    Fig. C Fig. D
  4. Run glazing putty around this trim.
  5. Place the frosted glass into position over the putty. Gently move into position to be sure that the glass is seated properly. (see fig. F)

    Fig. E Fig. F
  6. Using wood glue and nails, attach the trim pieces to the other side of the glass to hold it in place. (see fig. G)
  7. Re-hang the door and bask in the glow. (see fig. H)

    Fig. G Fig. H

Bathroom design and plumbing, location
The Electrical & Plumbing Store
31 North Side Road
Ottawa, ON K2H 8S1

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