Me, My House & I with Brigitte Gall | Project

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Brigitte Gall

Previous Project | A Slate Patio Next Project

Nothing says, “Welcome to my Backyard” like a beautiful Scotia Slate patio. Brigitte laid down her stones as a perfect complement to her new stone wall and her stone fireplace.

DO consider what type and colour of slate would work best for your yard. There are many different types and shades.

DON’T start on a surface that is not properly prepared – you’ll just make work for yourself later.

Nova Scotia Slate

  1. Level and grade the area where the slate will be laid. If you are creating a patio area, it should be level throughout. Slate laid next to the foundation of a house should be graded slightly so that run off is carried away from the foundation.
  2. You may need to excavate the area slightly if you want the stones to be level with a deck or walkway.
  3. When the area is level, cover the surface with landscaping cloth. This serves as an even surface for the flagstones and prevents weeds from growing through.

    Fig. A Fig. B
  4. Cover the landscaping cloth with a layer of stonedust. (see fig. A)
  5. Place the flagstones on the cloth, leaving a gap between each. Fit the pieces together like a puzzle, varying sizes and shapes. (see fig. B)
  6. When all the stones are in place, fill in the gaps between the stones with stonedust. Distribute the stonedust evenly using a stiff-bristle broom. (see fig. C)
  7. Once that is done, Brigitte can set up her fabulous new patio set, and enjoy her fantastic back yard, which is now 100% done! (see fig. D)

    Fig. C Fig. D

Patio furniture Porch & Patio/Fitness Depot
499 Industrial Ave.
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z1

Stone dust

100 Bayview Rd.
Ottawa, ON K1Y 4L6


Scotia Slate

Plants, dirt, mulch, etc…

Ritchie’s Feed & Seed
1390 Windmill Lane
Ottawa, ON K1B 4V5


P & G Construction
5350 Canotek Rd. #10
Ottawa, ON, K1J 6R5

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